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SaaS Metrics

Annual Recurring Revenue

Financial reporting software

screen shot of Ordway's ARR reporting software

ARR Reporting

Track your growth rate

Analyze how recurring revenue is evolving from the opening balance to the quarter-end close.

  • New ARR
  • Expansion
  • Contraction
  • Churn
  • ARR growth rates
  • Customer segments
  • Geographic regions
  • Product lines
man bursting through bullseye representing breakthrough growth
Business man with cape running on arrows representing growth

ARR Movements

Expansions, Contractions, Churn

View totals across the business as well as movements by individual customer and product.

Expansion ARR

View expansion ARR for upsells such as tier upgrades (good to better or better to best) and additional user seats. Report on expansions from cross-sells of new product add-ons.

Contraction ARR

Report on ARR generated from tier downgrades (best to better or better to good) and decreases of user seats. Report on contractions of individual products.

Churn ARR

View lost ARR from customer attrition resulting from customer satisfaction, product performance, or financial insolvency.

Pricing Models

Subscription & consumption fees

With Ordway’s ARR reporting software you can calculate recurring revenue for complex contracts and pricing structures.

Subscription Pricing

Calculate ARR for SaaS subscriptions using pricing data from the customer contract or by calculating the average price over the contract term.

Usage-Based Pricing

Calculate ARR for consumption-based pricing models based upon actual invoiced amounts or recognized GAAP revenue from the past month or quarter.

collage of Ordway screen shots of ARR reports

ARR Segment Reporting

Align your ARR/MRR reporting with your business and go-to-market model.

Product Line

Platform, analytics, support





GTM Motion

Product or Sales Led

Legal Entity

Inc., Ltd., Plc., GmbH

Contracted, Committed, Live ARR

Flexible Recognition Dates

Align your ARR reporting with the specific way your specific recognition policies for:

Start dates

Begin ARR for new deals upon booking date, contract effective date, implementation date, or GAAP revenue recognition date..

End dates

Stop ARR reporting for churned accounts upon notification date, contract termination date, or the end of GAAP revenue recognition.

abstract illustration of calendar with start and end dates

Recurring revenue policies

Your definition of ARR

Ordway will help you to understand the revenue dynamics of your customer base with detailed metrics.

ARR policy document with checkmarks
Pricing models: Include or exclude fixed fee subscriptions, usage-based pricing, and transaction fees based upon a percentage of GMV or dollar value processed on the platform.
Professional services: Option to include long-term professional services engagements, managed services, and premium support offerings that generate recurring revenue.
Short-term contracts: Elect to include or exclude customers on monthly, pay-as-you-go plans as well as those with termination for convenience clauses.

See Ordway’s ARR reporting in action.